Monday, June 04, 2007

Entering and Exiting the Life Labyrinth

Emotional and physical suffering is a cry to witness our lives by becoming more attentive. We can do this by dis-identifying with the Labyrinth of the mind—all of our past experiences and future goals—and center into the Eternal Now of Being, the Source of our truest and most profound nature and identity. Here, in this space, we no longer lack because in the present there is a perfected sense of Love, where fear and need ceases, an original state of wholeness and peace. This requires that a distinction be made between our understanding of Life, and life situation, as Eckhart Tolle suggests. Rather than living in cycles of reoccurring conditioned patterns, ugly behaviors, or afflictive emotions, we can enter into the I AM, the Presence of Possibility which empowers us to live FROM the Source. When we regularly draw from this well, our identity begins to change, and we live from a more awakened place that serves the world, in wisdom and compassion from authentic Love and energy rather than out of woundedness, moral duty, or some politically controlling aim.

Self-Inquiry leads one to the practice of self-observation-the ability to witness the reactions to Life and thus free one’s identification with painful emotional and physical states. When we live out from our deepest source, we co-create Life and contribute to the reflection of harmony and potential within others and the world .


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