Monday, October 23, 2006

The Existential Embrace:Art as Non Duality and Truth

It seems the creative process in its most universal aspects is an existential embrace. To be is to also embrace non-being. To embrace being and non-being is to enter into the process of becoming. Embracing nonbeing means to be open rather than resistant to difficult experiences and emotions connected with crisis, anxiety, fear, pain, and death. It means to courageously walk into them, feel them, express them, rather than wiggle around or away from them. It requires the grounding into the lamp of the whole being; the attentive, aware, Infinite/Spirit-filled Self to enlighten the path of interior knowledge. When we embrace the darkness, the unknown, and the fear of annihilation, our perceptions and meanings about existence are stretched, strengthened, and opened to our deepest Self, the ground of Being where Presence exists. From there, courage is able to flood into a willful decision to love and hope in-spite-of the fear. This is the creative process of transfromation and Self-Becoming.


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