Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Energy of the Feminine

I often wonder what would be different if there had been JUST AS MANY women philosophers writing about and discussing the fundamentals of existence along side men like Kierkegaard, Nietzche, and Heidegger. But, then perhaps it wouldn't be called philosophy. Early on there was the presence of women like Hildegaard, St. Teresa, and Sorjuana whose work was influential, but within the circles of faith and the church. Apart from the historical role of women in society, this seems to be a very telling fact, perhaps, about the different way men and women perceive, discuss, and experience the world. (No matter whether by nature or nuture) All humans pray, need intimate connections, and have the capacity to be emotionally sensitive, but the words and methods used to discuss these experience is often quite polar. Just as science and art converge in spirituality, perhaps the feminine and masculine energies converge in art and encourage the restoration of balance and unity.


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